Friday, November 24, 2017

Fort Pierce, FL - Black Friday

Friday 11/24/2017
No Travel - Fort Pierce, FL

Had it not been for the farmer’s market held on Saturdays in Fort Pierce, we would have left to continue our travels today. So, since we had nothing specific planned for today, Clark and I spent time this morning reading. I enjoyed reading my latest historical romance novel on my Kindle while Clark devoured the manual for the Inverter Charger.  To each his own! Since he identified the Inverter Charger to be the root-cause problem with using GFI-configured power pedestals, he is anxious to learn more about how to resolve this issue instead of working around it.

When I wasn't reading, I was wishing I had a means to get to a drug store to get a couple of items. Well, I guess wishes do come true, because Mike from California Lady knocked on our boat after lunch and said he was going to Walmart and wanted to know if we wanted to come along. I jumped at the chance to go. Clark wrapped up the work he was doing down in that now-infamous battery compartment studying the MasterVolt wiring and climbed out to join us for the trip to Walmart.

When I checked out at Walmart, I asked the clerk if the store had been busy today. She surprised me by saying that it had not been too bad. I mentioned it being Black Friday, and she said, "Oh no, Black Friday was yesterday. The store was mobbed then." I walked away shaking my head. Whoever heard of a Friday occurring on Thursday - even if it is "Black Friday"!

After our jaunt to the store, Clark worked on prepping the boat for travel tomorrow, i.e. he filled the water tanks. Being behind on the blog, I dug in to knock off a couple of days worth of entries. As I finished the second day, Clark asked if I wanted to go out to dinner. 

When he checked in at the marina, they gave him a 20% off coupon good at three restaurants associated with the marina. That coupon has been burning a hole in his pocket ever since. Since we leave tomorrow, tonight was our last chance to use it. Since I cook on board so often, I said yes to going out even though this is the third day out of our four here in Fort Pierce that we have eaten in a restaurant. 

After dinner, I went back to catching up on the blog. Yay! I got caught up. However, we plan to anchor out tomorrow, so I expect to be without WiFi and behind again on blogging real soon.

No sunset picture tonight. If there was a good one, we missed it, so here is one from Fort Pierce taken a couple of days ago that Clark just shared with me taken using his phone camera.

1 comment:

  1. Just retired, so I should have a bit more time to read the blog. Where was the description of the great deals at Walmart?
