Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Still Planning

Still Planning: So if you read my earlier post, you read about  the water pump fun and the broken screw.  After much consideration and experimentation plus buying a few new tools designed to extract screws, the solution came down to super glue!   The captain bought the gel kind that is less runny, applied a dab to the end of the screw head, reinserted it to mate with the part still in the water pump, and voila he was able to extract the screw simply by turning it with a screw driver.  Now in case you are wondering the whole "15 minute" job took about 24 hours from start to finish.  Well - we're not quite finished as the replacement screw is on order.  Here's hoping the "difficult" impeller job goes faster!

I am still taking more things off the boat than I am putting on as looking for space has become an obsession.  For the two of us, we have at least a dozen life jackets, 4 throw cushions, and a life / throw ring.  I'm thinking that we could free up space by removing about 1/2 the life jackets, but I'm not convinced the captain will be pleased with this suggestion.  I did take one off the boat the other day as I decided it was time to be retired.  I snuck it off when he wasn't looking!

The other should-have-been easy task that we finally wrestled to the ground was configuring our new wireless router for the boat.  The instructions say that the password can be up to 63 characters, and of course the captain being the security conscious person that he is chose an exceedingly long (but way less than 63 chars) password.  We finally figured out that quality assurance didn't do their job because we had to shrink the password size down to the minimum 8 in order to get the password to be recognized.  To add to the evening pleasure, the dear captain told me the password but when he configured the router reversed two of the letters, so no matter what I did I could not get in - maybe that was his goal all along?!  Anyway I finally looked at what he had and pointed out that dyslexia must have set in with age.  He fixed his error and on my next attempt I was successful - wonder of wonders on that one!

Our trip literature if piling up due to pamphlets, Skipper Bob books, charts, Waterway Guides, documentation papers, and a myriad of other booklets / log books that always come along for the ride.  The captain pointed out that we will need a place set aside just for "paper".  At the moment I'm clueless about that one.  Whenever I find a hide-hole that I think to claim, it turns out the captain already has dibs on it.  I'm sure he has a  whole arsenal of things he will end up bringing on the trip that I do not yet realize will be coming along for the ride.

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