Thursday, June 28, 2012

Getting Creative

Getting Creative on Space: I mentioned in an earlier post that finding storage space on the boat was becoming an obsession.  Really it's more of a fun game with real rewards when some new space is identified.  Last weekend the captain pointed out 3 potential places to store boat equipment and one other storage opportunity.  I filled up all 4 almost immediately.

In that same earlier post I mentioned the abundance of life jackets on board.  The captain agreed that we could remove the 6 that are the standard orange, non vest-type life jackets that came with the boat.  I removed them from their "safety bag" to store in our basement.  We have had the vessel for 13 years and this is the first time I remember them being removed from the storage bag.  Needless to say, they haven't gotten much use in 13 years and appear brand new.

We kept the "safety bag" (now folded and stored) to use on our trip.  The captain suggested that if we use our dinghy to transport any purchases (food or other) that the bag would protect them from getting wet.  Sounds like a good idea - it remains to be see if the plan will be executed!  Remember from earlier posts I mentioned that our dinghy has been leaking like a sieve.  Even though we have applied yet another patch, the complete success of the work remains to be seen. 

One of the newly identified storage spaces now contains the remaining life jackets sans two that I held out for ease of grabbing for the captain and myself.  The space is under the floor in the cockpit reachable by removing the back access cover, lying on the floor ,and reaching backwards and under your current position to grab the bag containing the life jackets.  It's a good position for extras and stored within reach of our dinghy supplies but not somewhere you'd want to deal with if you needed a life jacket in an extreme hurry.  We also have to be very careful not to store them this way when the least bit wet / damp or we will have a nasty treat next time we go to use them.  I'm not too anxious to be wearing moldy jackets.

The other item that is now well hidden is the piece parts of our full enclosure.The full enclosure consists of 10 panels that are each a combination of canvas and whatever the see-through material is for the plastic windows (plastic?).  We rarely have another couple sleep on the boat with us, so the normal storage place for the pieces, mostly due to lack of incentive to find a better spot, is to have them laid out flat on the bed in the 2nd state room; otherwise, they are installed and in use.  However, for this trip we expect guests on board for a portion of the trip, and I fully believe that they would not enjoy sharing the bed with the full enclosure.  I tried rolling them up and stuffing them up against the wall (the full enclosure panels - not the guests) , and although considerably preferable to the spread-out-on-the-bed format, the end result still left a lot to be desired in the form of a solution.

After hearing my complaints, the captain offered up two potential storage places for my consideration.  One unfortunately has a habit of collecting rain water so this was a serious issue as I am not interested in moldy / mildew canvas covers.  We discussed the use of tarps (above and below) to protect the panels, but after pondering this problem for several days, I decided that the best  way would be to wrap each one individually in strong, black garbage bags, i.e. convenient black plastic.  I slit the bags up the sides, laid out the plastic, secured a rolled-up canvas cover inside each one, and tied the bundles shut in 3 places with clothes line cut into 10-12" lengths (tied in a bow for easy removal).  After preparing the bundles and toting them up top, I discovered that only 7 of the 10 would fit in my first-choice location - the second option was even smaller in capacity.  Luckily, I managed to fit the last of the 3 panels into the other spot the captain had identified  to store them for the trip.  Fortunately both of these storage spaces are up top, so they are basically stored "together" and reasonably convenient for assembly when needed. 

In addition to storage places for boat equipment, the captain pointed out some space under the stairs to go below to the state rooms.  As the space is under the stairs it is an odd shape - higher in back than front - basically like a triangle I suppose.  I have claimed and almost filled this space too.  (Note that I grab space quickly when offered due to concern that it will be consumed by the captain himself for some other purpose if I am not quick on my feet.) In theory, however, one could claim that the captain is claiming this latest space as most of the items I stowed in there relate to his scuba equipment - weight belt, weights, gloves, flippers and water shoes.  I found a little space left after stowing his equipment for my water shoes that I use to avoid stepping on creatures, rocks, and slimy unknown and unseen items that are below the surface of the water.

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